Let me say up front that in general fruits, vegetables and candies (sugars) are not okay for your dog to eat!

PLEASE DO NOT FEED YOUR DOG GRAPES OR RAISINS! It may cause instant kidney failure in your dog!

The Un - Department of VA Rarely Mentioned Facts For U.S. Veterans & Others.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Toxic for Dogs: 002-Fruits and Veggies

It still amazes me that I get this same question over and over, “Are fruits and vegetables toxic for dogs?” I keep telling them over and over again that garlic, tomatoes, onions, grapes, raisins and prunes are extremely toxic for dogs. DO NOT FEED THESE ITEMS TO YOUR DOG! Theses same people know that fruits and veggies are great for the health of people; hence, it must be good for their dogs. WORNG! Dogs can experience kidney failure or even death from just a single serving of these food items.

And, if these food types are dangerous for dogs, then why do people keep giving their dogs the table scraps and leftovers to their dogs. Licking scraps from a plate seems to be just as puzzling to people. Food items such as ice cream or a dish of leftover spaghetti, which surely contains the remainders of onions, garlic and tomatoes, can be just as poisonous and toxic for dogs, or even be fatal for your pet.

Why Some Vegetables Are Toxic For Dogs

One chemical that is very toxic for dogs is “Thiosulphate”, which is an ingredient found both in onions and garlic. Should your dog begin to display signs of gastrointestinal distress (upset stomach) then consumption of food items containing garlic or onions may be your suspect. Garlic in particular contains chemicals known as “Sulfoxides” or ”Disulfides” which does damage to red blood cells causing anemia in dogs. A dog’s system can be influenced with even the smallest amounts consumed over a very short period of time, and this includes onions and garlic in raw, cooked and powdered states.

Another chemical known as, “Oxalates”, contained in green potatoes or green potato peels, are also toxic for dogs and can do grave damage to a dog’s urinary, nervous and digestive.

If you want to avoid having a very ill dog, then keep them away from the possibility of consuming tomatoes, which is witnessed in by signs of tremors and heart arrhythmia.

While broccoli does attack the gastrointestinal system of dogs, it also takes a much higher amount in a single consumption.

Why Some Fruits Are Toxic For Dogs

Pancreatitis in your dog can be derived by the consumption of Avocados or food items containing Avocados. The Avocado plant, pit or the fruit itself can bring on difficulty in breathing, accumulation of fluids in the chest, heart or stomach.

Should your dog experience severe vomiting or be sure to check for the consumption of prunes, raisins or grapes. While it might not immediately show up in your dog with the consumption of very tiny amounts, it should be noted that there is an unknown toxin n these fruits that affects the kidney and can even bring on kidney failure. Eating a few, just one serving, grapes or raisins may not be immediately fatal, but eating small amounts regularly can cause severe damage or even the death of your pet.

If your dog is experiencing rapid breathing, inflammation of the mouth, increased heart rate and shock, then you might check for the consumption of cherries or a food item containing cherries.

Other Plants, Pits and Seeds That Are Toxic For Dogs

While toxic "Oxalates" are found in leaves and stems of potato plants, rhubarb and tomato plants, there is another chemical known as “Cyanide”, which is not only toxic for dogs but it is also extremely poisonous for dogs.

Cyanide is found in seeds and pits in apples, cherries, peaches, pears, plums and apricots. If your dog shows signs of experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain or other poisoning signs, then look for any food item that might have allowed your dog to consume any stems, seeds or leaves of apples, almonds, apricots, peaches, cherries, plums, pears and prunes.
When such items are ingested by your pet it can also lead to impaction and obstruction of the digestive system. Even if not toxic for dogs, seeds and pits can also cause these obstructive symptoms.

Not Toxic for Dogs: Veterinary Attention

Should any of these signs or symptoms arise always take the matter seriously. If possible write down what you suspect your dog was doing or consuming prior to the onset of symptoms along with the dog’s age, breed and weight. These things will assist you veterinarian in the quick treatment of your dog. It could also save the life of your dog.

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